Invest in Oaxaca

Total population:
4.13 million

Territorial area:
93,758 km2
(5th place

1.98 M employed population (46% of the total)


Oaxaca has 31,115 km of highway infrastructure

2 new highways:

Connection from the city of Oaxaca to

the Coast in
2.5 hours

the Isthmus in
2 hours

3 international
and one domestic airport
  • Oaxaca City
  • Puerto Escondido
  • Huatulco
  • Ciudad Ixtepec (domestic airport)

2 railway lines

Line Z: is part of the project of the Interoceanic Corridor of the  Tehuantepec Isthmus connecting Salina Cruz (Oaxaca) to Coatzacoalcos (Veracruz)
Line K: from Ciudad Ixtepec (Oaxaca) to Ciudad Hidalgo (Chiapas)

4 Ports

  • Puerto Ángel
  • Puerto Escondido
  • Bahías de Huatulco
  • Salina Cruz (Deep-sea and cabotage port, commercial fishing and oil port, IOth nationwide)


  • This cargo port ranks 10th place nationwide with 8.4 million tons per year
  • It receives petroleum and petrochemical products
  • Its area is 4,070.25 hectares, with a total capacity of 835,230 tons.
  • Its high potential enables it to develop as a logistics and commercial port for transporting and unloading any type of cargo
  • It features a system of multifunctional mechanisms
  • It generates renewable energy.

General connectivity of Oaxaca City to other places in Mexico


Economic activities with the highest contribution to the state's GDP:

Manufacturing industries

(3.48 million dollars- 17.23%)


(2.33 million dollars- 11.53%)

Retail trade

(2.71 million dollars – 13.40%)

Real estate and rental of movable and intangible property services

(2.06 million dollars- 10.22%)

Foreign Trade

Main commercial partners

International sales:

United States



International purchases:

United States



Main export sectors


pineapple, coffee, avocado, mango, lemon, and papaya

110.229 million dollars

Chemical industry

Sulfur, lime, and cement

20.384 million dollars

Beverage and tobacco industry


8.655 million dollars

Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)

Oaxaca received an investment of 53.2 million dollars during 2023.

8 countries have contributed 5,528 million dollars since 2006.

The state ranks 22 nd nationally from 2006 to 2023.

Main investors

The countries that have made the largest contributions of foreign investment in Oaxaca are


19.7 million dollars


19.3 million dollars

United States

4.9 million dollars


Oaxaca experienced an economic activity growth of 8.3% in 2023, ranked 3rd nationally

Oaxaca stands out in different topics:

  • 1st place nationally in wind power production (29 parks in the Isthmus of Tehuantepec with an annual production
    of 2,758 megawatts)
  • 1st place in biodiversity in Mexico and one of the main providers of ecosystem services in the country
  • 1st place in mezcal exports (8.5 mi Ilion liters/386.8 million dollars)
  • 1st place nationally in papaya production (367,153 tons)
  • 2nd place nationally in pineapple production (167,895 tons)
  • 3rd place nationally with the largest forested area (6.29 million hectares)
  • 5th place nationally for being the state with the longest coastline (568 km)
  • 5th largest silver producer nationally (237,690 tons)
  • 6th largest gold producer nationally (2,590 tons)
  • 14th place nationally in tourist attraction (5.6 million tourists)


The project of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec Interoceanic Corridor connects the Gulf of Mexico and the Pacific Ocean through the isthmus of 300 km. This project will become one of the main commercial gateways between southeast Mexico Asia, and Europe, both coasts of the USA, Central and Latin America


The project consists of two parallel models:


Multimodal logistics platform

Connectivity scheme that includes:

3 airports: Minatitlán (Veracruz), Ciudad Ixtepec (Oaxaca) and  Huatulco (Oaxaca)
2 ports: Coatzacoalcos, Veracruz and Salina Cruz, (Oaxaca)

Federal Transisthmian

Highway 185

Additional services: natural gas supply and installation of fiber optics


Industrial platform with industrial and scientific parks 

These are conceived as scientific parks that will attract leading companies, enabling an improvement in technology transfer, and creating centers for development and innovation to enhance human capital formation together with the academy


  • Social and industrial development of the region.
  • Promoting economic growth and strengthening the region with new investments that generate jobs with decent wages.
  • Reinforcement of productive activities in the region.

There are different federal and state fiscal incentives with this project:



Deductions in
income tax
Deductions in
value-added tax



  • Deductions from the expenditures for personal labor remuneration tax
  • Deductions on the vehicle ownership or use tax
  • Deductions on the tax for social development
  • Incentives in payment of fees
  • 100% for the first three fiscal years
  • 50% in the subsequent three years


  • Supplier development strategy, linking large companies with local businesses in Oaxaca
  • Accompaniment of investors in their process of installation
  • Analysis and provision of strategic information
  • Training courses and certification for technical and operational staff to improve job performance
  • Support for companies in the selection of human capital
  • Linkage between workers and companies, absorbing the cost of the employee’s salary during the training period


  1. The project of the Interoceanic Corridor of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec will connect more than 1.3 billion consumers thanks to Mexico’s treaties and trade agreements with other countries.
  2. Strengthening connectivity within Mexico

    • Reinforcement of interconnection with railway networks in the central and northern regions of the country
  3. Reduced transportation times for goods and opening of trade channels

    • Commercial connection with the USA, Asia, Europe, Central, and Latin America.
    • Reduction in transportation times
    • Expansion of commercial routes
    • Movement of over 44,000 tons between both ports (Salina Cruz in Oaxaca and Coatzacoalcos, Veracruz)
    • Time reduction of transportation times for goods to Asia and Europe in 15 days

      5-day reduction in transit time compared to the Panama Channel

      26-day reduction in transit compared to the Beagle Channel from Cape Horn for crude oil

  • 4. Value added to products and assembly lines

    • Increase the value of local products
    • Development of supply chains
    • Opportunity to generate an assembly line through the project

Modernization infrastructure in
the port of Salina Cruz

The port of Salina Cruz is being modernized to become a center of maritime routes for import, export, and cabotage, and it is also connected to the railway lines

Completed works

  • West breakwater (1.6 km)
  • Reinforcement of Section 2 of the multi-purpose dock and expansion of the container dock (section 1 of the multi-purpose dock)

Works in progress

  • Reinforcement of the multi-purpose dock (137m) and alignment of the container dock (275m)
  • Removal of the breakwater for the expansion of the access channel and dockyard
  • Dredging of navigation areas (900,000m³)
  • Construction of a traffic control center and reconfiguration of land accesses
  • Railway access – Viaduct to the Container Specialized Terminal (2.5 km)
  • Road access to the CST (3.5 km)
  • Container Specialized Terminal (1.3 million TEUs annually)
  • Berth length of 800 meters
  • 2 berthing positions
  • Depth of 20 meters
  • It will be able to accommodate container ships of more than 18,000 TEUs
  • It will have a dynamic capacity of 1.3 million TEUs

Benefits of the works

Berth length

Current: 275 m

Projected: 530 m

Draft of the multi-purpose terminal

Current: 10 meters

Projected: 12 meters

Container ship

Current: 1,200 TEU´s

Projected: 2,300 TEU´s

Berth positions

Current: 1

Projected: 2

Draft of the specialized
container terminal


Projected: 20 meters

Inland shipping

Current: Daytime

Projected: 24 hrs

Similarly, a new short-distance maritime transportation route is being developed from Salina Cruz to Manzanillo

The port of Salina Cruz will be the port of origin, and the port of Manzanillo will be the transshipment port

Estimated transfer time of 4 days (8 days round trip) with a volume of 1270 TEUs

Which can strengthen imports and exports with average volumes of 930 TEUs per year



The state of Oaxaca has 24 products within the national ranking of agricultural, livestock, and fisheries production, as well as the production of other endemic products.

Investment opportunities in food industrialization and processing:

  • Dehydration of fruits and vegetables
  • Freezing of stews and other prepared foods
  • Production of corn flour
  • Production of spices
  • Manufacturing of breakfast cereals
  • Coffee products


  • Oaxaca produces more than 90% of mezcal at the national level
  • It is one of the largest producers of craft beer
  • It is the 6th producer of beer nationwide

Other distilled beverages:

  • Oaxaca also produces aged and white rum, corn-based whiskey, and gin.

Non-alcoholic beverages:

  • Products made from natural ingredients, such as fruits without added sugars.

Investment opportunity:

  • Non- alcoholic beverages: products made from natural ingredients, such as fruits with added sugars
  • Promotion of small and medium- sized businesses dedicated to this activity


Oaxaca is one of the states in Mexico with the highest growth in production in the artisanal textile and clothing sector, allowing its recognition in national and international markets.

Investment opportunity:

  • Production of starches, other starches, and their derivatives for textile preparation
  • Manufacture of synthetic pigments and dyes
  • Diversification of products


  • Wind Energy

Currently, there are 29 wind farms in the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, with an approximate annual production of 2,758 megawatts per year

Investment opportunity: Wind farms in the Isthmus of Tehuantepec have an estimated potential of over 44,000 megawatts in an area larger than 8,800 km2

  • Solar Energy (photovoltaic)

According to the National Inventory of Clean Energies (INEL), the regions of Mixteca, Sierra Sur, and Costa in Oaxaca exhibit high levels of solar radiation of 6.21 kWh/m2/day


Oaxaca is considered as one of the best places to travel in Mexico.

  • Ranked 14th nationwide in tourist attraction
  • Winner of the World Travel Award 2020 and 2021 as the Best Leading Urban Getaway Destination in Mexico and Central America
  • Chahué Beach in Huatulco was the first in the country to receive the Blue Flag Distinction
  • 9 different airlines
  • 1,130,179 passengers in the top 3 destinations

31 arrivals of international cruises in Huatulco, with a total of 52,689 passengers


  • 244 universities and technological institutes
  • 14,025 graduates per year
  • Specialty hospital (High Specialty Hospital of Oaxaca)
  • 1 Third-level hospital (Oaxacan Children’s Hospital)
  • Hotels (1,573)
  • Restaurants, bars, and cafeterias (1,723)

Investment Opportunity: The urban development of several cities has occurred thanks to the opening of the Coast and Isthmus highways, generating investment opportunities in construction, real estate, healthcare centers, educational centers, hotels, and restaurants.


Potential supplier to the automotive sector (Tier 1 and 2 level*) by integrating into the value chain with the following products:
  • Air conditioning
  • Lighting accessories
  • Measurement instruments
  • Hardware
  • Metal packaging
*The automotive parts industry in Mexico is organized into levels of operation (tiers), where Tier 1 refers to direct suppliers to automakers, and Tier 2 refers to suppliers to Tier 1 companies.


With the opportunity for private investment, a sustainable solid waste industrial system is enabled to produce biofertilizers, fuels, and recycled products.


The aerospace cluster in Oaxaca enables the establishment of an economic development hub to incentivize the attraction of private investment and the installation of high-technology industries, thereby boosting other sectors with value-added processes.

Invest in Oaxaca